Sunday, March 11, 2012

Hello Delicious? No..., Hello Scrumptious? That's Not It Either....

Oh my... I did a little shopping the other day. A rather large little shopping. Well, for me anyway. I got an Amazon gift card for Christmas and still hadn't spent it. I know, I know; what was I thinking? But I spent it the other day. Plus just an itty bit more. Primarily because two things had shipping costs. See, I live for free shipping. If I need something I will wait until I need enough from that store to qualify for free shipping if I possibly can. But this was fabric. On Amazon. So there was shipping. Sigh....
Anyway, I got a big surprise in the mail yesterday. Oh yes I did! Two of my goodies arrived and I am SOOO excited!
Why, Hello Luscious! Oh yeah! It is just so gorgeous. And it's a layer cake so I'm doubly excited. And since I was in a cakey kind of mood...
Kate Spain's Good Fortune! I have been DYING for this ever since it came out. I have drooled over it and petted it at the LQS every time I go in there. And now I have it. Right here in my own hands. LOVE IT!
I'm not going to say what else I ordered so I will be able to report all my happy mail days in pictures.  And one thing was a pre-order. Well, I'll tell you about that one since it won't come out until July anyway.
I ordered this:

Free-Motion Quilting with Angela Walters: Choose & Use Quilting Designs on Modern Quilts

I need some FMQ help. I thought maybe Angela could give me a hand. Do you know Angela? She's got a little blog called Quilting Is My Therapy. Check it out sometime. I also just noticed she's started a separate website for the promotion of her book here. I like that we can support our fellow bloggers with their pet projects. 


  1. Those are great surprises! I have loved Good Fortune for a long time, too. Ruby before that...

  2. Ohhhhh. Good Fortune! Color me jealous. ;) I'm glad you got fabric goodies in the mail!

  3. Ya I so want to do FMQ but I need some serious help too. I should get a book that's a smart idea.


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