Monday, July 1, 2013

Lovin' Some LQS Sales!

My LQS is currently running a sale on a lot of their fabrics. All the fabrics already in markdown ($6 a yard) are now $4.50 a yard, loads of books are half price, and a ton of other fabrics are 40% off. Now most of her fabrics on sale are more traditional type fabrics, but she does have a few more modern ones on sale as well. I went Saturday and picked up these:
I got City Quilts for $12.50 and a yard of Thomas Knauer Pear Tree in blue for $4.50. Yes, that's exactly the same fabric I used in my Tammy bag and I gave away a bit too...but mine was green. I don't do a lot with blue but you never know when you'll need it. Unfortunately it was in the section where she has a lot of 1 yd. pieces pre-cut and there were no more. So I snapped it up while I had the chance. I'm going to go back later this week to see if there's anything I can use as a backing for my Simply Color quilt. I have totally changed my mind from making another Falling Charms and am contemplating another pattern I came across recently. You'll have to wait and see what it is, but I really think it's going to work out well.
I also finished the borders on my flag quilt. Just got to get it quilted today and I will post pics!!

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