Wednesday, February 29, 2012

WiP...with a Finish!... (almost!)

I'm so excited! Woohoo! Twin quilt number 1 is done! Well, all except for attaching the binding to the back. But I'm about to finish that right now!

The back of the binding is pinned down. I just have to attach it! Then on to Twin quilt number 2. I will post a completed quilt later in the week, hopefully tomorrow!
And I have been working on organizing. Hubby and I are both horrible pilers so I found this and I turned my "drop everything when you come in the door" area from this...
to this!
I am so excited! We'll see how long I can keep it this way. Oh, the purple thing over in the right hand corner is something my dear daughter taped to my hutch. I'm just so thrilled to see order. Cleaning this one area actually cleaned three areas in the process.
The filing system enabled me to find places for two other "piles" in the kitchen. I picked up both baskets from Target; I actually picked up the two of the orange ones and two green ones that match for later. They were $2.50 up front where the cheap stuff is! Onward and upward to more organizing!


SoSarahSews said...

I need to organize my desk! It's a mess and a never ending battle. :/ Yours looks great!

Linz said...

Yea!! Great finish!! I can't wait to see pictures of the whole thing! Good luck on #2 and on the organizing!! That's so great!

Mrs.Pickles said...

looks great! When I organize it doesn't seem to last as long as i would

Cassie said...

Congrats on getting it finished! I can't wait to see the entire thing!