Sunday, April 7, 2013

Family Fun Day!

We spent yesterday at Stone Mountain Park with the kids. My son started off the day getting his face painted, then we headed over to the SkyHike. My daughter was being an 11 year old girl at the time and sort of threw a fit about having to be there so she and my hubby ended up wandering around, but Little Man and I got on our harnesses to check it out!
What's really funny is that they were running a deal where it was cheaper to get two kid's memberships and we went in as free friends, so he had to get his membership card picture taken like this! I ended up getting kicked off on the second level for pulling out my cell phone. The chick told me I needed to go down and do something with it. Really? It's been in my pocket the whole time with no problem and just because YOU saw it, I have to go down? And I had no idea where hubby was so I basically ended up getting kicked off. Nice, huh? He stayed on for a while but we finally ended up heading over to ride the cars to the top of the mountain.
As long as I've lived here I've never actually gone to the top of the mountain so this was pretty cool. It sort of makes me think that's what the moon looks like.
And here is the fam at the top of the mountain. If you look closely in my daughter's hand, you'll notice that she found a stuffed version of Pepper to purchase while we were there. A pretty cool day overall if I do say so myself!


Michele said...

I see nothing wrong with having a membership card with a painted face. It makes him unique.

Cindy Sharp said...

Why were they so neurotic about a cell phone?

Mindy said...

What a blast! Sounds like a great day to spend together as a family!