Sunday, June 23, 2013

A "Pinterest" Type Site...For Food!

Have you heard of TasteSpotting? I was looking for granola bar recipes and came across it on Pinterest. Where have I been? It supposedly has been around since 2007 but I am just coming across it... and it's wonderful! Billed as a "virtual potluck" for it's visitors, it works sort of like Pinterest in that pictured links are posted to the website which carry you to directly the recipe on various websites. I do think you have to submit your recipes to be placed on the site, but right now I just plan on reaping the benefits of having other people come up with the recipes and I just have to cook them and try them out! I did have good luck with one granola bar and bad luck with another, but the kids LOVE the one that was good so I have a plus in my cooking arsenal!

***Update: I decided to add a list of my recipe trials on my sidebar to let you know of any TasteSpotting recipes that are REALLY good. So far the Peanut Butter Rice Krispie Treats (not what the recipe author refers to them as) are a huge hit at my house with me and my kids!

Oh, and the top AND back of my Falling Charms quilt are done so it is off to the quilter this week!!
All I will have left to do is binding when it comes back! Yay!!

1 comment:

Grammasheri said...

Hadn't heard about that site either, but am definitely going to check it out. So glad you posted about it!