What are you guys doing for the Labor Day Weekend? Hubby has been handy doing things this weekend. We went to an arts and crafts festival Saturday where there was a guy making puzzles and woodworking pieces on a scroll saw (hubby has one). While we were there, we also picked up a cute dragon necklace for Thing 1. She's all about dragons right now. When we got home, he saw her in her room attempting to detangle a bunch of her other necklaces so his mind went back to that woodworker. He then did a little internet looky-loo and came up with this.
A necklace tree! How cute is that? He made two and routed out a strip in each so he could fit them together and make it more 3-D. Here is a close-up of the top.
Then he started having fun with that scroll saw and came up with some more goodies. He finished them and told the kids he had cut something out but needed some help putting it back together.
Thing 1 ended up with a dragon, which she loves.
Thing 2 was extremely excited to see that his was R2-D2. He was loving it!
I came up with quilting associated Honey Do list. Well, it's only a list of one thing but, that's okay. I have been harboring much jealousy every time I see quilt design walls on people's blogs. Mine usually end up on the floor which makes it difficult to see mistakes. Plus, we have this cat. A 19 year old cat. A kind of incontinent 19 year old cat. Her box is in the basement where my sewing room is, and I really think she does it when she's mad because she makes it most of the time, but, she's basically made the floor NOT a viable option anymore. The thought of it just grosses me out so I asked hubby to make me a design wall. We went the PVC pipe + flannel backed vinyl tablecloth route. The tablecloth was only $3 so I figured it was a deal.
Well, it worked out okay, but you get what you pay for in the tablecloth. My pieces don't stick to it very well so we will probably have to redo the fabric part of it with batting or real flannel, but the frame is perfect.
Here's the frame.
Didn't hubby do good this weekend?! I may have to brag on him on some linkies since he doesn't blog!
Linking up hubby's good works to the following since he doesn't blog!
Linking up!

Cool!!! I am loving your design "wall"!!! That's awesome!! And those puzzles!! Give your hubby a high 5 from me!
Those puzzles are awesome! I love how he asked your kids to help him put them together. :)
Love the necklace tree!
Those are fantastic puzzles! I love that he told the kids he needed help putting something back together. :D
Great wood working! Maybe you can find a flat flannel sheet on sale to put on your design wall frame.
Your hubby is a keeper!
Good Hubby! Mine just doesn't have time. He's done some really nice stuff for me, too.
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