Friday, April 29, 2011

"Here Comes the Bride...."

Totally off the subject of quilting, has anyone been watching the royal wedding? I didn't watch a lot, but I had to see them on the balcony for the kiss. Very sweet. It got me thinking just what other historical events have occurred in my lifetime. I did a little online research to come up with a list and I was surprised at how much I remembered. I only listed the things that I actually remembered happening (that may say a lot about my age, oh well).

Nadia Comaneci receives 7 perfect 10’s at Olympics for gymnastics

Elvis found dead
Star Wars movie released

First Test tube baby
John Paul II becomes Pope (I remember when they were deciding who would become Pope, they let smoke come out of the little window. Dark smoke meant no decision; white smoke meant they decided.)
Jonestown Massacre

Nuclear accident at Three Mile Island

John Lennon assassinated
Mount St. Helens Erupted

Assassination attempt on the Pope
Assassination attempt on Ronald Reagan
Royal Wedding of Charles and Diana
First woman appointed to Supreme Court (Sandra Day O'Connor)

Challenger Shuttle explodes
Chernobyl nuclear accident
USSR launches the Mir space station
Iran-Contra scandal

Fall of the Berlin Wall
Exxon Valdez spills oil on coastline
Student massacred in China’s Tiananmen Square

Nelson Mandela freed

Operation Desert Storm

Riots in Los Angeles after the verdict from Rodney King

World Trade Center bombed

Oklahoma City bombing

Unabomber arrested

Hale-Bopp comet visible
Princess Diana killed in car crash

Torrential rains and flooding in the San Francisco area (this was my honeymoon, sigh…)
President Clinton impeached

Fear of Y2K bug
JFK Jr. killed in plane crash
Killing spree at  Columbine High School

al-Qaeda attacks of September 11, 2001

I kind of lost my steam at this point in the list. I was very pregnant with my daughter when al-Qaeda attacked. I was working in a school as a speech pathologist and was standing in the preschool room when it happened. Luckily the teacher did not have kids that day. I just remember being so stunned; I had trouble processing that it was happening here, in the U.S. It's amazing where we've come since then.

As far as the wedding goes, a friend of mine told me she heard Harry was going to live with them in their new home. British royalty is really coming into the new age, huh? They sound like regular people!

1 comment:

Amy said...

I was in grade school when Charles and Diana were married, so I did not ever get to see anything but was very nice to watch and my 17 yr old son even watched. it is current/ history